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What is Diarrhea?

Diarrhea is an abnormal, watery defecation event more than 3-4 times a day due to various reasons such as infections, nutrition, and age factors. It causes fluid and electrolyte loss in the body.

Acute Diarrhea:

They are diarrhea that does not exceed 2 weeks in duration. It is generally caused by infections.

Chronic Diarrhea:

They are diarrhea that lasts more than 2 weeks. It is generally caused by inflammatory bowel diseases. Diseases such as Chron's disease and ulcerative colitis are examples.

Dehydration (Fluid Loss):

During the diarrhea period, there will be excessive loss of water and electrolyte from the body;

· Dehydration (dehydration of the body)

· Decreased skin tone

· Sudden weight loss

· Weakness

· Anemia

· Heart rhythm disturbances

· Kidney failure

· Consciousness disorders

· Abdominal pain

· A sprain in the abdomen

· Anorexia

Fever occurs in addition to these findings in inflammatory conditions. In addition, pale color and drying of the skin and the clarification of the eye sockets are among the results of dehydration.

What are the Symptoms of Diarrhea?

· Liquid defecation; More than 200 cc of liquid stool

· Urgent urge to defecate and inability to hold feces; Along with sudden gas, abdominal pain and sudden defecation occur.

· Excessive defecation; It is more than 3-4 times.

· Thirst; With watery stool, thirst occurs in the body and a feeling of thirst occurs. Water should be started to be drunk before this feeling occurs.

· Nausea and vomiting; Infection that causes diarrhea, etc. arise from situations.

· Fever; It occurs as a result of an infection that causes diarrhea and loss of fluid and electrolytes in the body.

· Weakness; Due to fluid and electrolyte loss, there are problems in body functions, which causes weakness and fatigue.

· Abdominal pain and gas are common symptoms of diarrhea.

What Causes Diarrhea?

· Infections; viral or bacterial infections

· Immunodeficiency; IgA deficiency

· Cancer; Bowel cancer etc.

· Food allergies and malabsorption; Celiac, lactose intolerance

· Metabolic diseases; Hyperthyroidism

· Nutrition; Consuming plenty of laxative foods and foods

· Neurological diseases; Diabetic neuropathy

· Medicines; Diarrhea may occur in situations such as antibiotic use.

What should be done to cure diarrhea?

Abundant fluid consumption; Fluid loss is prevented by maintaining fluid balance in the body.

Intravenous therapy; If fluid loss is excessive, it is prevented by providing fluid and electrolyte support through the vasculature.

Low-fiber diet; In order to slow down bowel movements, foods with low fiber content should be consumed.

Food consumption with high probiotic content helps to reduce or reduce diarrhea.

What Foods Should We Avoid in Case of Diarrhea?

· Foods with laxative effects; Grapes, figs, apricots, prunes; It will increase the severity of diarrhea by increasing bowel movements.

· Vegetables and fruits; Foods with high fiber content will increase bowel movements and increase diarrhea and its severity.

· Whole grain products; Foods with high fiber content will increase the intestinal movements and increase the severity of diarrhea.

· Some herbal teas; Cherry stalk tea, apricot tea, form tea, hunger herb tea have an increasing effect on bowel movements.

· Fat and fatty foods; Fries, oilseeds.

· Legumes; It may cause discomfort with its gas-forming effect.

· Senna; It is an effective laxative and increases bowel movements.

· Oat; Its pulp content is high.

What Are Good Foods for Diarrhea?

Rice: It can be consumed by making lean rice porridge or rice pilaf. The fiber content of rice is low and its water-retaining effect is high. Therefore, it provides water retention in the body in case of diarrhea.

Carrot Juice: Carrots contain vitamin A, as well as high in liquid content and energy content. Carrot juice consumption is recommended for energy and fluid needs.

Tea: With the loss of fluid in the body, electrolyte loss is also experienced. Tea consumption is recommended to ensure electrolyte balance.

Ayran: Its protein source is also high in vitamin and mineral content and its consumption is recommended to increase the amount of fluid in the body.

Potato: Potatoes can be boiled and consumed. Its pulp content is low, and its vitamin and mineral content is high. It contains carbohydrates and is energizing.

Banana: It has a high content of potassium and phosphorus. It balances the fluid in the body and prevents electrolyte losses.

Bread: Consumption of white bread is recommended instead of whole grain or whole grain bread.

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