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Updated: Nov 21, 2020

Constipation is a common disorder with many symptoms.

Constipation is not a disease but an important problem affecting the digestive system. The onset time and duration of constipation, whether surgery was performed, and responses to laxatives are important. The amount of food taken by the patient, fiber content, and fluid intake should be questioned.

It is more common in those who do not have breakfast than those who do not have breakfast. Because after waking up and eating, it has been observed that bowel movements increase 2-3 times compared to normal.

Adequate fluid intake and regular exercise have an effect on bowel movements and reduce constipation. It has been found that populations that do not exercise experience 3 times more constipation.

Consuming fiber (fiber) foods in the diet is an important condition in constipation. The pulp increases the speed of food passage in the intestine.

Things to do in the diet for constipation;

· Daily pulp consumption should be increased. In order to increase the pulp intake, care should be taken to consume 2 portions of fruit and 3 portions of vegetables every day.

· Apricot, pear, fig, kiwi, prune are among the fruits that help increase bowel movements. It can be consumed raw or in the form of compote/compote. Be careful not to consume bananas, quinces, potatoes, and rice during these periods.

· Take care to consume salad at every meal, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil to salads.

· You can choose dried fruit + oats + probiotic yogurt + flaxseed / black cumin for breakfast or snack.

· You can drink fennel, chamomile, anise tea and use cumin in your meals to relieve bloating and gas pains.

· Be careful not to consume dark tea or coffee.

· You can choose whole grain products instead of refined products (such as whole wheat or rye instead of white bread, bulgur, or legumes instead of rice).

· 8-10 glasses of water should be drunk a day.

· You can consume yogurt and kefir with high probiotic content.

· 20-30 minutes of light paced walks should be done every day. Physical activity reduces constipation symptoms.

· Legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc.) should be consumed at least 3 times a week.

· Chew your meals well and try to eat slowly.

· Even if there is no need for a toilet at the same time every day, it is necessary to go to the toilet for the intestines to work.

Teas containing senna or laxative drugs should not be used to achieve a quick solution. Prolonged use of these medications or teas can cause bowel laziness. Therefore, always consult your doctor before using medication.

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